Communicating Health Podcast

Dr. Sharonne Zaks - Part 2

Episode Summary

Trauma informed dental care. Sharonne has researched and adapted the well established (in other areas of health and social services) 'trauma informed approach' and applied the principles to the dynamics of the dentist-patient relationship to create protocols and strategies for how we can help survivors of sexual assault access dental care.

Episode Notes

1.20 - "This is going to take much more time - I don't have the time."

6.00 - How spending extra time at beginning benefits the interaction.

9.00 - Anxiety management strategies.

14.35 - Ways to give power back to the disempowered patient.

17.45 - Screening questions.

19.45 - Managing attendance - last minute cancellations and FTAs.

23.45 - TLC phone calls.

25.10 - Dangers of vicarious trauma - dentist/ team self-care.

34.55 - How to respond if a patient discloses a history of abuse.

41.40 - Call to action.

50.10 - Benefits of this approach for the dental team.

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