Communicating Health Podcast

Dr. Sharonne Zaks - Part 1

Episode Summary

Trauma informed dental care. Sharonne has researched and adapted the well established (in other areas of health and social services) 'trauma informed approach' and applied the principles to the dynamics of the dentist-patient relationship to create protocols and strategies for how we can help survivors of sexual assault access dental care.

Episode Notes

3.00 Trauma informed dental care - what is it?
10.00 - Prevalence and how survivors present in the dental environment.
12.20 - Power imbalances.
14.40 - Potential triggers for survivors.
17.40 - Mindset where survivors blame themselves and impact of this.
20.40 - Positive impact that dental team can have.
25.10 - Brain changes in patients who suffer trauma.
33.30 - Mindset of the dental team - rebuilding trust.
34.30 - Empathy (and how to do this safely for the dental team).
37.50 - Setting healthy boundaries.
40.05 - Having compassion for patients (and ourselves).
41.50 - Honouring the patient's autonomy.
42.55 - Avoiding judgement.
45.20 - Validating patient concerns and accepting difference.
47.00 - Keeping our word and humility.
48.40 - Empowerment model.
50.50 - Equal status collaborative partnership.
52.40 - Impact of offering choice wherever we can.

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