Communicating Health Podcast

Dr. Colm Harney

Episode Summary

My first 'on mic' episode - treatment planning, burnout, social media, negotiation and conflict management all through the lens of effective communication and empathy.

Episode Notes

0.00 - Intro.

4.10 - Definition of empathy - a learned skill.

7.50 - Treatment planning - the golden rule vs the platinum rule.

15.45 - Empathy vs overwhelm/ burnout.

19.50 - 3 aspects of communication where we can use empathy.

25.20 - Social media.

27.20 - The social media 'pile in'.

33.20 - Understanding our biases.

36.10 - Separating the person from the problem.

37.10 - Positions vs interests.

40.00 - What is the truth?

41.50 - Disentangling impact and intentions.

43.30 - Blame vs contributions.

People Skills - Robert Bolton

Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

Getting to Yes - Fisher & Ury

Difficult Conversations - Stone, Patton & Heen

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